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Top Service

Our top service which is great for building the cohesiveness, clarity, and health of your team.

3-Day Team Building & Organizational Health Workshop


A workshop that actually WORKS!

No focusing on failures & weaknesses – No impractical fluff – No rah-rah session – No Waste of time – No trust falls

Based on two core frameworks:

  1. Strengths-Based
  2. Organizational Health

This workshop identifies and builds upon individual and team talents to:

  • Build a healthy, strong and high performing team
  • Clarify your organizational purpose and values
  • Identify what is most important right now and develop strategies that will
  • achieve these visionary outcomes
  • Create a team culture that is healthy, sustainable, and premier place to be

This process takes a little time and effort on the front end, but it guarantees success on the back end. Breaking The Chain Consulting will successfully guide your team through this transformative process.

Keynote Presentations

Motivate and encourage your group in a short time slot.

The ARCH • Keynote1-1.5 Hours

A Leadership Metaphor about Strengthening Yourself So You Can be a Stone for Others

This is our most popular keynote presentation that will help you prioritize and transform your life. The world is a dangerous and broken place. Life’s reality is this: It is not a matter of if you will face a storm, it is simply a matter of when. Storms are a part of every leader’s experience. If you are not currently experiencing a storm, you can be certain one is on its way. Failing to prepare for life’s storms creates agonizing and catastrophic results for both you and those you lead.

Great leaders understand these costs and prepare for it!

Families, teams, organizations, and society deserve more. They need to be led by strong, healthy, and compassionate leaders. Such leaders ask themselves the following question: Have I built my life into a structure capable of withstanding life’s storms? If so, what might that structure look like?

Using the Roman arch as a metaphor, this presentation explores one of the world’s most adaptable and enduring structures. Discover what makes the arch so stable, resilient, and strong. Learn how these same design principles apply as a leadership framework for your own life. This simple, yet powerful framework is supported by a robust blend of research from architecture, engineering, positive/strengths-based psychology, literature, leadership, and organizational health.

Like an arch, humans can be strong and adaptable compression structures, but unless we get the design just right, there are external tensions waiting to pull away at your arch so it will collapse. Don’t let this happen to you. This presentation shows leaders how to design a personal arch so they not only survive, but thrive beyond life’s next storm.

Waves Part 1 • Keynote1-1.5 Hours

Understanding & Leading Today’s Changing Workplace

Waves are a fascinating and powerful phenomenon. Waves possess an energetic force that can be used for exhilarating experiences, like surfing. On the other hand, waves can also destroy everything in its path, like a tsunami. How we experience a wave completely depends upon how accurately we read and prepare for it. A significant wave of change is barreling down on today’s workplace. In fact, it is already upon us. Some of the assumptions we have made and continue to make about leadership and employee engagement will not only be insufficient, these assumptions destroy the health and functionality of our teams and organizations. This engaging and interactive presentation is the first part of a two-part series that will help you identify just how limiting it can be when we make the wrong assumptions in today’s changing workplace.

Waves Part 2 • Keynote 1-1.5 Hours

Creating & Sustaining A Purpose that Moves Others

This presentation is part two of a two-part series on today’s changing workplace. Waves don’t just happen in the ocean. Human beings are also capable generating powerful waves. However, waves do not just happen. There is a leadership recipe that goes into creating and sustaining a wave in today’s workplace. During this engaging and interactive presentation, we breakdown the elements of creating a wave and focus on the essential elements that keep the wave of employee engagement and performance going strong.

Team Workshops

Strengthen the cohesiveness and health of your team.

3-Day Team Building & Organizational Health Workshop

Build a purpose driven team.

Based on two core frameworks:

  1. Strengths-Based
  2. Organizational Health

A workshop that actually WORKS!

No focusing on failures & weaknesses – No impractical fluff – No rah-rah session – No Waste of time – No trust falls

This workshop identifies and builds upon individual and team talents to:

  • Build a healthy, strong and high performing team
  • Clarify your organizational purpose and values
  • Identify what is most important right now and develop strategies that will
  • achieve these visionary outcomes
  • Create a team culture that is healthy, sustainable, and premier place to be

This process takes a little time and effort on the front end, but it guarantees success on the back end. Breaking The Chain Consulting will successfully guide your team through this transformative process.

Strength Based-Leadership • Workshop4+ Hours

The antidote to employee disengagement.

Employee and team disengagement is the disease. Strengths-Based Leadership is the antidote. Whether you are a supervisor, parent, coach, line-level employee, or teammate; you are a leader. As a leader, you should be preoccupied with three essential questions:

1) Why would anyone follow you?

2) What do followers actually need from you? If you gave people what they need, might this change the steady and current course of disengagement?

Employee disengagement is plaguing our teams and organizations. Contrary to what some might think, disengagement is not a generational problem; it is an organizational problem. We live in a deficit culture! We invest more time and energy into showing people what is wrong them and trying to fix them rather than identifying and accentuating what is right and so brilliantly strong about them.

This Strength-Based Leadership workshop gives leaders and teams what they tangibly need so they can maximize organizational health and performance and stamp out employee disengagement. Take the Strengths Finders 2.0 assessment and let us coach your team toward leading and living a life that is strong.

Leadership & Team Training Courses

Training courses that matter by increasing performance, as well as your bottom line.

Building a Purpose Statement & Values that Inspire and Drive Team Performance • Training

Your Mission Statement needs to do much more than it’s currently doing.

Most mission statements are full of blather: an easily forgotten, un-inspiring, all encompassing, declaration of intent that is full of over-used words, and does nothing to connect the hearts and minds of your team to a just and worthy cause. If this describes your current mission statement, you can be guaranteed your people are frustrated and confused. Your team might have a mission statement, but they most certainly are not on a mission. If your team is not aligned around something that matters, then you are wasting precious time, talent, resources, and money. Poorly worded mission statements are significant contributors to the plague of employee disengagement. Using a highly effective framework, let us show you how to build a purpose statement and values that will inspire, guide, and drive every single aspect of why, how, and what your people do.

The Art and Science of Connecting With Others • Training

Great leadership is all about movement; getting others to willingly move from point A (where they currently are) to point B (where they need to be).

Creating this kind of movement depends upon our ability to connect with other people. As humans, we are drawn toward human connection. In fact, it is the key to our survival. However, connecting with others does not come naturally. It requires keen awareness and the ability to overcome our natural, fear-centered, and ego-centric tendencies. This course will show you the art and science of connecting with others so your leadership can have maximum, positive impact on the lives of others.

Maintaining Civility in an Age of Rudeness & Entitlement • Training

This course is the antidote to boring and ineffective workplace harassment training.

Traditional training in this area focuses on law and consequence, but does nothing to change human behavior. Humans can be flat out evil, but they also possess an enormous capacity for goodness. This training focuses on how you need to be and why so that people can thrive in a healthy work environment.

Do you feel like an island surrounded by a sea of rudeness and entitlement? It is not easy to maintain civility in an age consumed with spreading dark messages of separation and discouragement. Given what you do for a living, you simply cannot afford to give into the darkness of incivility. If you do; you simply won’t last!

This course exposes the darker side of the human condition, but it also provides hope. This course begins the only place where real change can occur; within you. This course provides effective strategies on how to identify your triggers, manage your emotions, deal with challenging people, and deliver outstanding internal and external customer service; all the time. These strategies not only work, but will also transform your personal and professional relationships. This class is for anyone in the business of dealing with people. This class is for everyone.

Creating a Healthy & Engaged Team • Training

Far too many teams are weak and unaligned. This training shows you how to build a healthy and engaged team, which does not happen naturally.

It takes a lot of focus and effort, but the results are always worth it. Great teams know how to overcome their selfish and egocentric tendencies. Great teams revolve around a mutually shared purpose. Great teams dialogue with one another. Great teams identify and build upon individual strengths. Healthy and engaged teams always win! This course will show you how to end the disengagement, dysfunction, and unhealthiness that many teams endure. You will learn how to create a team that is purpose-driven, functional, and most importantly, connected. This class is for everyone.This presentation is part two of a two-part series on today’s changing workplace. Waves don’t just happen in the ocean. Human beings are also capable generating powerful waves. However, waves do not just happen. There is a leadership recipe that goes into creating and sustaining a wave in today’s workplace. During this engaging and interactive presentation, we breakdown the elements of creating a wave and focus on the essential elements that keep the wave of employee engagement and performance going strong.

Emotional Intelligence & Micro-Expressions • Training

Have you ever worked for a leader who simply knew how to connect with others? How about a leader who could simply read and effectively manage the room? It is likely this leader was not only intelligent; this leader was emotionally intelligent (EQ).

For some, EQ comes naturally. For others, EQ is a challenge. Unlike the limitations of cognitive intelligence (IQ), EQ and the ability to read the emotions of others is something that can be learned, developed, and improved. We are often told to leave our emotions out of the workplace. This is not only humanly impossible, it is goes against what makes for an optimal work environment. Emotions need to be effectively identified and harnessed so leaders can maximize their performance and interpersonal relationships. After all, leadership is all about relationships. This course will teach the learner the four domains of EQ, strategies on how to improve their EQ, and how to effectively read the facial expressions of others. This class is for everyone.This presentation is part two of a two-part series on today’s changing workplace. Waves don’t just happen in the ocean. Human beings are also capable generating powerful waves. However, waves do not just happen. There is a leadership recipe that goes into creating and sustaining a wave in today’s workplace. During this engaging and interactive presentation, we breakdown the elements of creating a wave and focus on the essential elements that keep the wave of employee engagement and performance going strong.

Critical Thinking & Decision Making • Training

If most organizational problems are the result of poor and unethical leadership, then you can also be assured these leadership decisions were the result of incomplete thinking.

Peak organizational performance is dependent upon quality thinking and decision making. Although thinking is something we naturally do as humans; critical thinking is not. Most of us have never been shown a model of critical thinking; at least not one that was not overly challenging and impractical. This course provides the learner with a useful and transformative model of critical thinking that can positively change how leaders think and perform. This class is for everyone.This presentation is part two of a two-part series on today’s changing workplace. Waves don’t just happen in the ocean. Human beings are also capable generating powerful waves. However, waves do not just happen. There is a leadership recipe that goes into creating and sustaining a wave in today’s workplace. During this engaging and interactive presentation, we breakdown the elements of creating a wave and focus on the essential elements that keep the wave of employee engagement and performance going strong.

Public Speaking & Presentation Skills • Training

Leaders may not like public speaking, but they also know it is something they must do. Let us show you how to connect with your audience.

How we communicate determines whether or not we connect with others and if the information we convey is actually retained. This course takes what you naturally do very well when it comes to communicating and shows you how to strategically wield these strengths to achieve maximum impact while publicly speaking. In a fun and psychologically safe learning environment, the learner will be not only be shown the key to overcoming their fear of speaking in front others, but will also be provided with opportunities to practice the art of public speaking, facilitation, and paralanguage. This class is for everyone. This presentation is part two of a two-part series on today’s changing workplace. Waves don’t just happen in the ocean. Human beings are also capable generating powerful waves. However, waves do not just happen. There is a leadership recipe that goes into creating and sustaining a wave in today’s workplace. During this engaging and interactive presentation, we breakdown the elements of creating a wave and focus on the essential elements that keep the wave of employee engagement and performance going strong.

Peer Support and Wellness • Training

Learn the value of having a peer support and wellness program.

The world is a dangerous and broken place. Public safety personnel are first-hand witnesses to this, as they are routinely exposed to traumatic events. These acute and cumulative exposures are often considered part of the job. However, ignoring this dynamic severely damages one’s mental and emotional well-being. Every year we unnecessarily lose great people because they were not provided the resources on how to survive traumatic events, organizational disappointment, and cumulative stressors. Our job as leaders is to create an environment where our people can persevere, flourish, and thrive both during and following times of adversity and trauma. This course explores the debilitating effects of PTSD. It also examines how you might develop a peer support and wellness service that provides psychological and emotional care, which can ultimately eliminate the destructive effects of PTSD. This class is for everyone.

Strengths-Based Leadership Coaching

One-on-one coaching that will transform how you live and lead.

Leadership is hard! Don’t Go It Alone • Coaching

You need a hearty and humble guide who can build your confidence by focusing on what you naturally do best.

We want to partner you with a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach. Not unlike an athlete, leadership is all about getting stuff done. Leaders do not need another personality test that tells them what they already know about themselves, yet does nothing to enhance their game. What you need are tangible results. Rather than focusing on weaknesses, your Gallup Strengths Coach will use a scientifically valid and reliable assessment (Strengths Finder 2.0) to identify your natural talents. You will then be shown to develop these talents into high performing strengths that accomplish what every leader must do: 1) Execute, 2) Influence, 3) Build Relationships, and 4) Strategically Think.

Instructor Development

Forget being just a good instructor; become a great one.

Making Your Teaching and Training Stick • Training

This service exists to develop the consummate teaching leader.

If you are in a leadership position you are likely responsible for creating a learning environment for others. Optimal learning environments are fun, dynamic, highly participative, and full of innovative instructional methods that internalize learning so it can be transferred to the real world. We will show you how to do the same so your teaching and training will stick. Breaking the Chain Instructional Coaches think and perform like leadership teachers so you are empowered to do the same for those you teach and lead.